For most smokers discovering and to quit smoking and then feeling
like they have never smoked is a dream. If only this were possible.
This is not only possible but it's a daily reality for smokers all over
the world.
During the initial chat portion of my quit smoking programme I tell my clients that 30% of people will quit and feel as if they have never smoked at all. 30% will have some thoughts of smoking such as when having a coffee, but this is just a passing thought.
30% will have to be vigilant especially where alcohol is involved, usually lots of it. As alcohol tends to diss-inhibit there is a risk that you will smoke or more likely someone will just light one up and give it to you.
5% will need another session and 5% will simply not be able to quit in my clinic.
So what happens to the 30% who quit without any further thought? In my experience they have a few things in common.
1. They are 100% committed to quitting. They have reached a point of realising there is absolutely no benefit for them in smoking any longer.
2. They fill out there pre session questionnaire in specific detail. This means they have taken the time to really think about what smoking is doing to them. Those who don't take the time to properly consider their answers are usually still in some denial about their smoking habit.
3. They accept the new information they receive about cigarettes, for example that smoking actually causes more anxiety than relaxation. Some want to debate the issue, which is simply a scientific fact.
4. Even though they may be nervous they approach the hypnosis with a sense of adventure and anticipation.
5. They do the recommended follow up instructions.
While there is a degree of uncertainty as to exactly who will quit with no feelings of having ever smoked, the chances are greatly enhanced when you follow the five steps above.
But don't despair if you quit and still have some thoughts about smoking, this will be the experience for many people. Just stick to your programme and always remember to never ever have one cigarette, not one puff or draw on a smoke.
The rules is if you never have another cigarette then you will never have another cigarette. This may sound a little simplistic right now, but when you quit with advanced hypnosis it will become a reality.
During the initial chat portion of my quit smoking programme I tell my clients that 30% of people will quit and feel as if they have never smoked at all. 30% will have some thoughts of smoking such as when having a coffee, but this is just a passing thought.
30% will have to be vigilant especially where alcohol is involved, usually lots of it. As alcohol tends to diss-inhibit there is a risk that you will smoke or more likely someone will just light one up and give it to you.
5% will need another session and 5% will simply not be able to quit in my clinic.
So what happens to the 30% who quit without any further thought? In my experience they have a few things in common.
1. They are 100% committed to quitting. They have reached a point of realising there is absolutely no benefit for them in smoking any longer.
2. They fill out there pre session questionnaire in specific detail. This means they have taken the time to really think about what smoking is doing to them. Those who don't take the time to properly consider their answers are usually still in some denial about their smoking habit.
3. They accept the new information they receive about cigarettes, for example that smoking actually causes more anxiety than relaxation. Some want to debate the issue, which is simply a scientific fact.
4. Even though they may be nervous they approach the hypnosis with a sense of adventure and anticipation.
5. They do the recommended follow up instructions.
While there is a degree of uncertainty as to exactly who will quit with no feelings of having ever smoked, the chances are greatly enhanced when you follow the five steps above.
But don't despair if you quit and still have some thoughts about smoking, this will be the experience for many people. Just stick to your programme and always remember to never ever have one cigarette, not one puff or draw on a smoke.
The rules is if you never have another cigarette then you will never have another cigarette. This may sound a little simplistic right now, but when you quit with advanced hypnosis it will become a reality.
And now for more free info on how to easily and quickly quit cigarettes Ian Newton invites you to go to
Wishing you the best of health
Ian Newton
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Wishing you the best of health
Ian Newton
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